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Netball has changed markedly over recent years and with the increased speed, athleticism and skill levels of the players, has come an increased level of physical contest that presents challenges for umpires and other officials.
An umpire’s role is to facilitate a flowing, enjoyable game for all participants, including players, coaches, administrators, spectators and other officials. The approach that umpires take into each game plays a large part in the success of the game for all. Titans Netball Club like to offer all opportunities to their members, from starting on the umpiring ladder, to those that wish to gain their ‘A’ Award. We are very proud in the knowledge of having three qualified Umpire mentors to guide volunteers through the umpiring Awards. Here at Titans, we thrive to offer everyone the opportunity to learn and progress.

Coaches play a crucial role in netball and have significant influence on the participants they coach, helping them to reach their full potential. They are responsible for training athletes and providing them with the skills and competencies necessary through structured, enjoyable and safe practices.
As the coach is responsible for guiding and mentoring athletes, the responsibilities of this role can vary significantly. The roles a coach will and can undertake are inclusive of Instructor, Assessor, Mentor, Demonstrator, Advisor, Friend, Motivator and Counsellor – the list is endless and does not stop there.
England Netball’s structure of coaching courses is established under the United Kingdom Coaching Certificate (UKCC), which is an endorsement of sports specific coach education and, is about supporting Our Great Game and making coaching better.
The Netball UKCC at Levels 1, 2 and 3 are recognised qualifications that will sit on the Qualifications Credit Framework and will be comparable with other qualifications – benefits of being part of the UKCC framework are:
The qualifications will meet the UKCC endorsed quality standard
The qualifications have been designed to meet the needs of our coaches and vitally our players at the appropriate level
The length of the courses are appropriate to ensure we train our coaches effectively and offer better support
Assessments have been integrated into the courses where appropriate to meet the needs our coaches
The coach tutors, assessors and verifiers are fully trained and accredited to deliver the best quality course and learning environment
A clearer coach pathway with increased opportunities for personal and career development
Provides a benchmark for employers and deployers
Supports coaches to develop ‘core’ coaching skills to support their players.
Titans Netball Club - 'Simply The Best'