Titans Netball Club - 'Simply The Best'

Match Report - Team Lightning 21.10.2018
Lightning travelled to Winterbourne in Bristol without two key players - Beth Nancekivell & Clare Wilmott. The warm up started slow, due to one car load arriving late and players were sliding everywhere due to the court being so dusty. Captain Michelle noticed that Crossbow players were spraying Hairspray on the bottom of their trainers, and with quick thinking asked if Titans could borrow some, to ensure a good grip on court! Titans started well in the first quarter, leading in the first 5 minutes, converting their centre passes/errors in to goals. Soon Crossbow stepped up and there physical marking, put Lightning to the test. Titans came off 4 goals down. For the 2nd quarter Michelle Sampson & Rebecca Manley swapped positions, but unfortunately Titans were unable to get into a rhythm, with many errors throughout the court, and Crossbow defence applied extra pressure on Grace Wilton & Emily Risdon, stopping them from achieving goals needed, and having to put up long range shots. At half time, Titans were now down by 6 goals. For the 3rd quarter, Crossbow changed their team slightly, which made it more challenging for Lightning. We were unable to get the ball into the net and made several errors. Crossbow capitalised on our mistakes, and took a lead of 13 goals. For the 4th quarter, and may be a little too late, but everyone was determined to get a win for the final quarter and gain back some faith in the team. Standing up tall and strong, and not to be ruled by Crossbow. Poppy Sampson swapped in the centre role, putting Michelle back into Goal Defence and Rebecca into Wing Attack. We started the quarter with a goal, and with some fine pressure from the defence of Michelle, Amber & Jo, forced Crossbow to make errors. Poppy kept up the pace with her opponent and linked well with Rebecca to find Emily & Grace in the shooting circle, in which regained their confidence, and popping the ball into the net. We won the final quarter.
Final score 48-38 to Crossbow. Players player went to Poppy Sampson from Crossbow. Titans player went to Amber Manley.
Team Line Up: Amber Manley, Emily Risdon, Michelle Sampson, Rebecca Manley, Grace Wilton, Poppy Sampson, Claire Turner & Jo Nancekivell