Titans Netball Club - 'Simply The Best'

Burrington Netball Court
Sept 2020 - With the ongoing challenges of trying to secure an outdoor venue with flood lights, Titans have managed to secure this remote netball court, in the small village of Burrington. Our Senior section (including our Year 10 & 11 members) are now training on a Monday night, on two different timed training slots. The astro surface not being ideal for playing conditions, but at least it is keeping our members connected and playing a game. Titans continue to use the netball courts at Atherington & Roborough on a Wednesday & Thursday for our U16 & U14 groups, and also a Sunday morning at Roborough for our U14/U12 & U11 sections. It's manic times for our Coaches and Volunteers, but we thank them immensely for their hard efforts to keep every engaged.